StateRAMP Brand Guide

Download and reference official StateRAMP brand elements for use in your marketing materials.

Download StateRAMP's Logos

StateRAMP logos can be downloaded in a transparent PNG image format for simple web or social media designs, or as a scalable vector (SVG) format for use in print designs.

See below for StateRAMP’s logo usage standards.

Primary Logomark

Represent the StateRAMP brand with our primary logo, for use in internal and external messaging.

StateRAMP Black Logo
StateRAMP White Logo

Secondary Stacked Logo

Use the dark logo as the default option. Use the additional variant when warranted by the background.

StateRAMP Stacked Logo
StateRAMP Stacked White Logo

Partner Branding

When our logo appears next to another company’s logo, a vertical line must be between them. The logos must be equal in height.

Partner Logo


Get the exact StateRAMP colors for your digital and physical assets.

Fonts and Typography

Cohesive typography is essential to a unified message. Adhere to the StateRAMP font guide for all branding.
StateRAMP is one word with a capital RAMP.