Growing Adoption of StateRAMP Across All State, Local Government, & Education Sectors

StateRAMP Momentum Continues

StateRAMP announces its growing list of governments working with StateRAMP to validate their third-party suppliers’ cyber security posture who use or offer cloud products to deliver services.

Newly announced governments working with StateRAMP include:


  • Arkansas – Administrative Office of the Courts (Judicial Branch)
  • Colorado
  • Maine
  • Nebraska – Judicial Branch
  • North Dakota
  • Vermont
  • West Virginia

Local Governments

  • New York State Local Government IT Directors’ Association
  • Sacramento County, CA
  • City of Chandler, AZ
  • Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, FL

Institutions of Higher Education

  • Fayetteville State University, NC
  • University of North Carolina System

K-12 Partner

  • K12 Security Information eXchange (K12 SIX)

These governments join the following states, who were announced earlier this year as Top 10 Leading States working with StateRAMP.

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • New Hampshire
  • Oklahoma
  • North Carolina
  • Texas

The growing list of participating governments comes on the heels of the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) recent announcement naming StateRAMP a Strategic Partner.  Working together, StateRAMP and NASPO will work to develop educational content and resources for state government.

“With responsibilities for critical infrastructure, vital services, and mass storage of confidential and privacy data, government, at all levels, is a prime target for cybercrime,” said J.R. Sloan, President of the StateRAMP Board and Chief Information Officer for the State of Arizona. “We are thrilled to see all levels of State and Local Government engaging in StateRAMP to improve our collective cyber posture for the citizens we serve.”

“Procuring technology tools and services is complicated work, and many organizations have sought to make that process easier for the public sector. By focusing on cybersecurity risk management, StateRAMP addresses a key pain point for state and local public agencies—and the vendors and suppliers that serve them. With a grounding in the reality of state and local government operations—and by building on widely adopted best practices—StateRAMP is exactly the sort of smart innovation that the public sector needs and deserves,” said Doug Levin, National Director, K12 Security Information eXchange (K12 SIX).

“We are excited to work with our strategic partners and members to continue toward our mission of promoting best practices in government for managing supplier cloud security,” said Leah McGrath, Executive Director, StateRAMP. “When there is a common problem, there is an opportunity for a shared solution. In cloud security, the shared solution is StateRAMP for all levels of government and the vendors who serve them.”

A complete listing of Participating Governments can be found at

About StateRAMP

StateRAMP is a nonprofit organization that launched in early 2021 and brings state and local governments together with the suppliers who serve them to recognize best practices in cloud security and provides a standardized approach to cloud cybersecurity verification.

StateRAMP provides state and local governments assurance that the suppliers they are working with meet the minimum cybersecurity standards through independent audits and ongoing continuous monitoring.  StateRAMP is designed as a shared service for government and a streamlined service for suppliers who can verify their products one time and reuse that certification with each government agency they serve. StateRAMP maintains an Authorized Product List (APL) which lists products that have achieved a security status and those products going through the process. Learn more at

About K12 Security Information eXchange (K12 SIX)

The K12 Security Information eXchange (K12 SIX) offers cybersecurity resilience to keep students learning and school districts operating. Learn more at

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